Fight For Food
American public school meals are unhealthy, unappitizing, and lack adequate nutrients; you can change that.

The USDA meal plans emphasize whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and low fat dairy products, with limits on sodium, saturated fat, trans fat, and calories, however, these restrictions are often disregarded.

Image taken from Pixnio.

Image taken from Google Images.

Right now, only 23% of middle school students attended schools where the USDA’s nutritional requirements are met.

Image taken from Colorado Politics.

Image taken from USDA.

Children who do not get adequate nutrition from school meals can fall behind in classes due to low energy and are at a higher risk of obesity.

Image taken from USDA.

My name is Faith Heffernan and i am a foodie. I want to advocate for better school lunches because i belive that everyone deserves healthy and tasty food!